Due to popular demand and the severe winter in many parts of the country, the submission deadline for the ProCharger Video Challenge has been extended until midnight central time on Thursday, April 30, 2009.
Important Dates:
April 30th: Submission Deadline
May 15th: Finalists are Announced
May 15th to June 15th: Youtube Voting
June 17th: Winners Announced
“We’ve had a great deal of interest in the video challenge, especially when there is a $7,000 purse available to the winners,” says Jeff Lacina, ProCharger Marketing Director. “Given the long winter much of the country has experienced, we want to make sure everyone has a chance to get out there and create their ProCharger-inspired videos. And with a new racing season just getting started and winter on the way out, there will be even more opportunities for getting the footage everyone wants to have in their videos.”
For more information, including rules & regulations, visit http://www.procharger.com/video_challenge.shtml.
ProCharger Video Challenge – Tell us YOUR ProCharger story. Your video submission can be about anything ProCharger; from how you use your ProCharger power to what your favorite experience has been with your ProCharger supercharger, to what you would tell someone who was asking about how they can get more power for their ride. You could even create your own ProCharger commercial and tell us about your combination of power and fuel economy! Make sure the ProCharger logo is shown in the video to help show off your ProCharger pride.
Prize Money Breakdown:
1st Place: $5,000
2nd Place: $1,000
3rd Place: $500
4th Place: $300
5th Place: $200
We’ve already had a number of videos submitted, check them out at the ProCharger Challenge Youtube page, http://www.youtube.com/user/ProChargerChallenge