By Jeff King

Recently Stang TV found themselves on the receiving end of a magical golden ticket – a ticket which gained them access to the high horsepower wonderland that is ProCharger. Of course, they brought their cameras so that everyone could join in the fun.
Click the link to join in on the ProCharger shop tour!

Bolt on 200+ HP! Truckin Magazine recently embarked on a mission of epic proportions, an attempt to settle a debate that has literally broken up families. A conflict pre-dating the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s with repercussions spanning all reaches of the globe. What is this conflict you ask? Ford vs Chevy of course. Or more specifically, ProCharged Ford vs ProCharged Chevy. The answer….Dodge. No, really everyone wins when ProCharged Boost is bolted on. Ford vs Chevy climbing in the octagon for a no holds barred ProCharged slugfest!

Now normally I have steadfast rule, never trust a man with two first names. But even I know when to admit I am wrong. There is no denying that Stacey David knows his way around cars and trucks, and when it came to his latest project for his TV show Gearz (a Dodge Ram dubbed the Drag-n-wagon), Stacey chose the best bolt on horsepower in the land: the industry leading ProCharger.
Check out ProCharger on Stacey David’s latest project dubbed the “Drag-n-wagon” airing on SPEED.

For fans of the two wheeled variety, I give you not one, but two stories. Both featured in Hot Bike Magazine, the first is a heavy metal tale of the ProCharged Rocker, and the second a look inside titled “The Guts of a ProCharger”. The best way to jump start riding season is a healthy dose of ProCharged Harley boost.

Our final story comes to you in the true spirit of tax time. The article titled “Return On Investment” comes from the April 2012 issue of Chevy High Performance. It highlights a pristine ProCharged 1970 Chevelle owned by of all things, a tax accountant. Nice clean lines and ProCharged American power, it really does not get any better than that.