Over the last 2 decades ProCharger has been blowing peoples minds with innovative and powerful new products and superchargers. ProCharger recently shifted that innovation over to launching a brand new website, and supercharged it with tons of content and new features! Obviously if you are reading this blog, chances are you are already on the new website; however, we wanted to point out some features for customers and dealers to check out.
Individual Owners Gallery:
If you are a ProCharger supercharger owner or installing dealer, and want to show off your latest ProCharger powered project. You can now share your builds by creating an owners gallery, and update it as you make changes to your project. Making a gallery is easy, the first step is to log in and create and account by clicking the link below.

After you have created an account you can then start to upload your ProCharger powered projects. Make sure to include as many photos and details as possible on your builds, you can even link to youtube videos if you have them, so others can enjoy your ride! Because after all us performance minded folks always love hearing about all the juciy details that make each car/truck/bike interesting and unique. For those of you that are active forum members and want to include a link to your gallery, we’ve got you covered. Our website will automatically generates a “BB Code” link for you after your gallery becomes active. (Have more then one ProCharged vehicle? No problem, just make entries for each car, truck, motorcycle, snowmobile, UTV or boat)
Social Media View/Share:
If you haven’t already checked out our Facebook page, you are missing out on all the supercharged daily features. However you are in luck, because not only does the new website have a nice little preview window on the side navigation. But we also included easy to use “share” buttons to be used on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and many others. That way if you enjoy something on our website (like this blog) you can go ahead and click the “share” icon at the top of this blog, and send it out to your friends/family/co-workers.

Loads and Loads of Content:
From the ProCharger TV section to the indivudual system pages. Look for us to load moutains of content and deatails to each system’s page as time goes on. These details will include items such as what goes into each system, the testing that went into it, and other tech goodies. So after you read this blog, kick back and take a moment to browes some of the sections of this site. Heck you might even find we make a system for something you may have never thought about before.
Thanks as always from the entire ProCharger Superchargers staff!